Τρίτη 31 Μαρτίου 2015

Blood Stereo

Χτυπούν μια ευαίσθητη χορδή μου όσοι μπορούν να εννοούν πολλά λέγοντας λίγα. Αιώνιος ο έρωτας μου με όσους εκφράζουν τα πάντα γράφοντας ελάχιστα.

Blood Stereo. Μόνο δύο λέξεις.

Ήχοι αιμάτινοι, ήχοι ανθρώπων. Σαν τις αιμάτινες σκιές της Πλάτωνος μα ένα βήμα παρακάτω. Μουσική και ζωή, έκφραση και συναίσθημα. Τίποτα δεν πάει παρακάτω, δεν εκφράζεται και δεν αλλάζει χωρίς αίμα.

Όταν σκέφτομαι την ψυχή μου, κόκκινη τη σκέφτομαι.
Έντονα κόκκινη-θέλω να 'ναι.

"Anal fins tucked in behind them. Blood stereo look like a pair of ill-kempt roosters, fighting over a doughnut. The guy rooster is jibbering in some unknown tongue, turning his face inside out, while shiving the microphone slowly through a hole in his cheek. The girl rooster appears to be pecking at him, either that or she is picking at various trash they have strewn around the stage. Every time she ducks her head there is a sound of a jet passing overhead.But when you look up the sky there is no sign of a comtrail. After a while you think you are starting to get a handle on what they are doing, but the guy falls down and starts doing a spzz dance so utterly convicing you begin to worry about him. Then the girls starts screaming and it seems as though something is really profoundly wrong. And it is. But it's not like they are in any kind of trouble. They are just wrong, y' know? So savagely wrong from every angle that's really tough to imagine there's anything you could do to really help them. As if they'd even want it. In their masks or out, they sow confusion like wheat"

Byron Coley

Ελευθερία. Μία λέξη.

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